To offer free or discounted shipping to your customers you can create a shipping coupon code to accomplish this.
- Go to Manager > Coupons
- Click on NEW to create a new coupon
- Select "Apply to: All Product Shipping"
- Generate a code or type in your custom code
- Set whether this will be a flat or percentage off
- State the value
- Place a start and end date
- It can be a single use coupon, meaning it can only be used once, or a multiple use coupon.
- Save
Please note:
The coupon code can match any other coupon code. Meaning if you wish to give out free shipping on a product as well as a discount for the same product you can create the shipping coupon with the same code generated for the discount on a product. The code will then deduct both shipping and discount on product at checkout.
- Express Shipping charges are not discounted using this coupon and it can only be applied to regular shipping charges.
- You can set up your shipping fees in a way where the more a customer spends the less they pay for shipping. This is available in the shipping calculations as "Tier based on number of products" or "Tier based on order total value". Info on this found here.