Creating Digital Products


Wazala allows you to any digital file. This can be an audio CD, single, ebook, photograph, design and even video.

For audio CD's, albums or singles, your customer can sample each product before buying if they are in the .mp3 or .wav formats. The sample will be the first 30, 45, or 60 seconds of the audio file and you can edit this. 

As an example we will be creating a music album.


Makes Sure Of Your Settings

  • Go to Manager > Settings > Digital Download
  • Set the expiration of your download links by days
  • Set the maximum times a customer can download this product
  • State whether you want to send a separate email for each product within an order, or a single download email. 

Create A Product

  • Go to Manager > Products
  • Click on NEW to create a new product or edit an existing one. 
  • Place name, description and price. The price you enter here is the main product price, so if this is an album the full price of the album would go here and single song prices will be determined later on.
  • Since this is a digital download make sure to state that item is not shippable, and add a picture or several for the product.
  • Go to the Downloads section and check "Item is downloadable" to open the options.
  • Click on "Add" and upload your songs in order.
  • Once you uploaded the files to the downloads section click on the file image that appears, you will notice “Allow audio preview for (blank) seconds” and “Allow client to purchase individually for (blank)” where each individual song can be sold separately. Make sure these are checked for every song.

Screen Shot 2013-09-15 at 12.40.47 PM.png

  • Once you upload all songs, make sure to set the “This is a bundle, deliver all downloads to customer on purchase” option so you can sell the album as a complete set, and once purchased the album is delivered to the customer as a zip file.


  • Once done, setup any other options your particular products needs and click save.

Now when a customer is browsing through your store, hovering over an album cover picture, a player will appear to sample the audio. Clicking on the up arrow shows the songs available in an album, and when in the product description page they can see all the songs and sample them separately. 



  1. Hosting files on your own servers or third party servers is available on some Wazala subscriptions. You will see a URL entry when adding digital files. More info on this found here. 


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