You can upload coupon codes in bulk. This will cut down your time in creating coupon codes especially if you're having a promotion with a daily deal site.
To upload coupon codes in bulk, you need to first make sure you have the spread sheet ready as specified below and saved in CSV format.
- Download the attached sheet - You can find it below.
- Open the sheet and start adding your coupon codes as follows:
- Please note: Keep row 1 as is (header) and start placing within row 2 on all of the below.
- Column A - Add your coupon codes into this column
- Column B - Add whether this will be a “flat” or “percent” type coupon.
- Column C - Add the value of each coupon as normal numbers - no other characters accepted.
- Column D - State whether this will be a single use coupon or an unlimited use coupon. If single use place the number 1 - if multiple use place the number 0.
- Column E - Place the start date of this coupon. The date should be formatted as YYYY/MM/DD Example: 20111225 or 2011/12/25 - no other format is accepted. You can also leave it blank, and we will state the starting date as the date of upload and the ending date one year from upload.
- Column F - Place the end date of this coupon. The date should be formatted as YYYY/MM/DD Example: 20111225 or 2011/12/25 - no other format is accepted. You can also leave it blank, and we will state the starting date as the date of upload and the ending date one year from upload.
- Remove any empty columns or rows by deleting them.
- Save your sheet as CSV to your computer.
- Log into your Wazala account
- Go to Manager > Coupons
- Click on Import and select CSV
- Select whether they will be for:
- All Products subtotal
- All Products shipping
- Specific Category
- Specific Product
- Click on the “Upload Coupon Import File” blue button and choose your file from your computer.
- If you see any coupons marked with RED, these were not accepted for some reason, you would need to double check if you configured your sheet well as stated above.
- Currently there is no limit to the number of coupons you can have in your store, but the bulk upload feature will not work if the uploaded sheet contains more than 500 coupons. So it is best to divide your coupon codes into separate sheets if you are uploading more than 500 at a time.
- The start and end dates of coupons are based on the time of our servers in PST time. If you're located elsewhere in the world, we recommend you start a day earlier and end a day later than your campaign is set.